Flowerbomb and Echo Flower earrings are invariably trendy. They also had a fantastic photo session, which we mentioned in the previous post. This time, the Decolove accessories took on additional shine under the sophisticated eye of Sara Cooper Photography.
Photo sessions with our products always evoke a lot of emotions. They not only cause joy and excitement but also bring a sea of inspiration. When our jewelry appears in styles created by other artists, we always notice something new in it.
It is a great pleasure to admire photos from wedding sessions where our accessories have been immortalized. We can feel that the hours spent in the workshop and the heart put into working on every little detail have turned into a fantastic styling that made the bride look dazzling.
We love to be engaged in artistic projects that present wedding fashion at the highest level. For years we have been cooperating with stylists, designers, and photographers from all over the world, together creating a new image of the bride.
Some time ago, the Decolove brand had the great pleasure to take part in the unusual project Four weddings after the quarantine. When the wedding industry was shut down for a few months due to a pandemic, two wonderful women had a great idea. They gathered dozens of specialists and enthusiasts who organized a real wedding photoshoot in a few days.
We had the great pleasure of talking to photographer Magda Skierska. On this beautiful day, she put on Decolove wedding accessories and shared her experiences as the fledgling bride.
Last year, the blog mentioned above posted an article about modern wedding elegance, where we could admire many beautiful photos. There would be nothing surprising if not for the fact that on some of them, the bride presented Deco love accessories. Our earrings made a splash!
Decolove wedding accessories have been appreciated for many years by our clients worldwide for the quality of workmanship, unusual designs, and elegance. The Precious Stories collection's earrings were even photographed by the famous artist and passionate photographer Elizabeth Messina, which makes us incredibly proud.
Christmas is the best time to take care of your loved ones. Christmas Eve is a day that gives us an excuse to put an elegant and festively decorated box under a fragrant Christmas tree, that hides a real treasure. It's time to put a smile on the faces of all household members.
Fashion is like love. The marriage of extreme opposites carries the risk of sparking, but it can surprise us with a marvelous effect.
A few weeks ago, in the Decolove atelier, we enjoyed participating in an event, which will be remembered for a long time and which we would like to share with you. We invite you to the backstage of our autumn-winter photo session.
Trends for the fall/winter 2020 season as usual delight with diversity and originality. And since we love to follow and be inspired by new discoveries, we've prepared a snapshot of the key trends for you.
Blossom Nostalgia collection was created with ephemeral and ethereal stylizations in mind by deriving from nature it's beauty.
This is a story of beautiful people, so open minded, spontaneous, super creative and full of love that they mamaged to create four different weddings within less than two weeks!!!
Chwilę przed... stoi u progu i wypatruje przyszłości.
Ma tylko jeden taki moment..Szlachetna, promienna, świetlista, lekko drży w białej sukience. Delikatny uśmiech przebiega po jej ustach, tak szczęśliwa jak teraz bedzie wzbudzać zachwyt wszędzie gdzie się pojawi...
Poznajcie kulisy powstawania naszych misternych ozdób uchwycone okiem fotografa Piotra Stokłosy.
Enchanted by the sea goddesses, the singing of mermaids and the magic of water nymphs, she emerged from the sea foam, on the border between the underwater abyss and the mystery thatch is about to reveal. She flows into calm waters now, together with the love that brought her here...
Przechadza się wśród wiecznej zimy tam gdzie gwiazdy dotykają ziemi. Srebrzystobiały świat zamarł w oczekiwaniu... a ona cała lśni, błyszczy i świeci. Wpatruje się w nocne niebo bo mówią, że w tam wszystko jest zapisane... może będzie też coś o tej miłości, która ja tu przywiodła...
Anna Jagodzińska, ikona polskiego modelingu, ubrana tylko w kwiaty ...